We are very pleased to announce that our volunteer Employment Specialist, Martin Phillips, has become a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours List.

Martin has been honoured for his services in the community in West Sussex. He volunteers for a number of local organisations as well as ourselves, including Healthwatch West Sussex, Impact Advocacy Service and the Safeguarding Adult Board. He was previously a Magistrate, Chair of Relate and a Non-Executive Director of Western Sussex Hospitals.

Martin has volunteered for us here at Citizens Advice in West Sussex (North, South, East) for 18 years. In that time he has helped huge numbers of clients to move forward with employment issues, including advising people on their employment rights and on discrimination in the workplace, and representing clients at Tribunals. Lately Martin has also been helping people understand the employment implications of Covid-19.

Jason Mather, Head of Client Services, said:
‘Martin works tirelessly with clients facing employment problems across West Sussex, and he often deals with very complex, life-changing matters.   He gives so much time to the cause and is often guilty of working on these cases while he is away on holiday. We’re very lucky to have him within our team and we’re delighted that he has received this much deserved reward.’ 

We are immensely grateful to Martin for the time, knowledge, skills and expertise he has given to us and to the people of West Sussex. We congratulate him on this very well-deserved honour!

The photo shows Martin representing Citizens Advice in West Sussex (North, South, East) on BBC South Today earlier this year. Martin was answering viewers’ questions about issues relating to Covid-19.