We are excited to have launched the Horsham District Befriends service pilot, in partnership with Horsham District Council, NHS, Mind, Home-Start, Age UK, Carers Support, West Sussex County Council and various other organisations. This service will support people of all ages (18+) who have anxieties about leaving the house or who are feeling lonely.

Our team will be working with social prescribers to connect vulnerable patients identified by social prescribers with volunteers from the community, so they access practical and other help they need.

We will be recruiting and training the Volunteer Befrienders, matching them with social prescribers in the Horsham District and work with community organisations to identify and train their Volunteer Befrienders.

To help grow this service, we are looking for volunteers who can give 1 or 2 hours a week for an exciting pilot project. This is a great way to give something back to your local community in response to the Covid-19 pandemic which has led to many people feeling lonely and isolated. The project is aiming to match volunteers with people in need of some company. This could mean chatting on the phone, going for a walk or accompanying someone to a community group.

We are looking forward to this service expanding and helping reach residents who have anxieties about leaving the house or who are feeling lonely.

If you’re interested in becoming a Volunteer Befriender, find out more here.