Having previously worked as an Entry Researcher, Lauren had practiced her research and writing skills and was looking for an opportunity to continue building her experience and confidence. As Case Studies & Stories Volunteer, Lauren takes client cases and creates engaging case studies that explore how people have been helped by our service. 

What made you decide to volunteer for the CAWS?

I decided to volunteer because I wanted to build my experience and confidence.

Tell us about your role at the charity?

I read through cases and write up case studies to highlight what CAWS does to help the community and the positive impact they have.

What do you enjoy the most about your role?

Although I am still relatively new in the role, I would say the varied case studies I have gotten to work on and learning about what CAWS does.

Have you gained any skills since volunteering?

Volunteering has really built my confidence and broadened my knowledge in areas I didn’t know much about. It has also helped my writing skills and analytical thinking skills when reading through cases and writing up case studies.

What has been the most valuable part of your volunteering experience?

Seeing the positive impact that CAWS has on the community.

What would you say to someone considering volunteering for CAWS?

I would say go for it, whether you want the work experience or are looking to give back to the community, volunteering for CAWS is always the highlight of my week!

If you’re interested in volunteering, find out more.